Thursday, April 16, 2015

Registering HP-UX and Linux Clients via CLI Non-interactively

If you want to script registering a lot of clients using ssh from a single host you can use avagent.d instead of avregister to register without an interactive shell on the host.

/opt/AVMRclnt/etc/avagent.d register your_utility_node_name your_domain


I've received a lot of Avamar help from blogs and forums over the last couple years. I figured I'd drop some of the tips and tricks here to give a little back.

Scripting VM Recovery for DR or other mass restores

Our DR plan involves restoring a lot of VMware virtual machines to a new Vcetner. I wrote a script to be run on the Avamar utility node to automate it. One quirk about restoring from a replicated copy with this method is that when you replicate a VM backup to another grid it adds a tag to the end of the backup name so you can't just use a client name list. To make this script work you need to:
  1. Put it and the other required files in /home/admin/vmware_restore_script
  2. Go into the GUI and copy/paste all names of the backup names (clientname_avamartag) into a file called vmware_lookup_list 
  3. create a file called vmlist containing all of the servers you want to restore. 
This script is also customized to our ESX host names and datastore names. You can set the number of hosts and datastores and it will loop through them to distribute the VMs and Hosts equally. 

It does a minor amount of error checking and logs to an output file so you can see what VMs did not successfully submit a restore.

If anyone knows how to get a backup list based on a domain from CLI when there are no clients registered on that grid (just replica copies) please let me know. That would fix the whole vm_lookup_list part of this.

Feel free to use this and modify as needed. I'd appreciate any feedback if you think there is something to make it better.

## Christian Schmidt 4/6/2015
## Script to bulk restore VMs @ DR. It must resides in /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/
## folder must have vm_lookup_list containing the full avamar name of the servers (cut and paste from the restore area in the GUI)
## folder must have vmlist containing a simple list of vmnames to be restored
## ESX hosts names must be formatted as DRVMhost(count) edit the count of ESX hosts by changing ESXHOSTCOUNT variable
## Datastores must be formatted as vol(count) edit the count of datastores by changing the DSCOUNT variable
## montitor /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log for success or failure of particular backups

##Domain replicated backups exist in
##fqdn of the Vcenter
##VMware Datacenter
##VMware folder to put the VM in
##number of esxhosts named DRVMhost#
##number of datastores named vol#
##setting counters

echo "============================================================================" >> /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log
echo "Starting VMware restore script at $(date)" >> /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log
echo "============================================================================" >> /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log
for SHORTSERVER in $(cat /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmlist)
        if [[ $(grep -i -c $SHORTSERVER /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vm_lookup_list) -eq 1 ]]
                SERVER=$(grep -i $SHORTSERVER /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vm_lookup_list)
                echo "ERROR: failed to lookup full server name for" $SHORTSERVER >> /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log
        LABELNUM=$(mccli backup show --domain=$DOMAIN --name=$SERVER | grep -E "CST|CDT" | awk '{print $4}' | sort -rn | head -1)
        if [[ $LABELNUM -gt 0 ]]
                let ESXCOUNTER=$ESXCOUNTER+1
                let DSCOUNTER=$DSCOUNTER+1
                mccli backup restore --name=$SERVER --domain=$DOMAIN --plugin=3016 --labelNum=$LABELNUM --restore-vm-to=new --virtual-center-name=$TGTVCENTER --datacenter=$TGTDC --folder=$TGTFOLDER --dest-client-name=${SHORTSERVER} --esx-host-name=DRVMhost$ESXCOUNTER --datastore-name=vol$DSCOUNTER
                if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
                        echo "SUCCESS: $SERVER Restore started" >> /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log
                        echo "ERROR: $SERVER mccli restore command failed, mccli return code $?" >> /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log
                echo "ERROR: Unable to lookup labelnum for " $SERVER >> /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log
        if [[ $ESXCOUNTER -eq $ESXHOSTCOUNT ]]
        if [[ $DSCOUNTER -eq $DSCOUNT ]]
echo "========================Script completed $(date)==============================" >> /home/admin/vmware_restore_script/vmrestore.log

Monday, April 13, 2015

Checking and setting CBT for VMware image backups

Using change block tracking greatly improves VM image backup time. To ensure Avamar is using the feature you must both check the option to use it in the dataset and ensure it is turned on in VMware.

To validate it's enabled on your VMs you can use proxycp.jar
  •  java -jar proxycp.jar --cbtstatus  | grep -E "VM Name|CBT"
  • add the --vm VMname flag to check a single server

If you would like to try and enable it on all VMs:
  • java -jar proxycp.jar --cbtstatus --enablecbt
Avamar will attempt to enable it on all VMs it has registered. If the VMware hardware level is too low to support CBT it will just error out in VMware.